HS Calculus position available!

Job opportunity shared by Tom Simmons:
El Dorado School District has an opening for a Calculus Teacher at El Dorado High School. Come join our collaborative math department and lend your expertise to our team. At El Dorado Schools, we provide a supportive teaching environment that includes mentoring, professional learning communities, and a Math Chair to support you and align curriculum throughout the District.
You can learn more about why El Dorado School District is the Promising Choice for teachers here<https://nam03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.eldoradopublicschools.org%2Fo%2Fdistrict%2Fpage%2Fjob-application–2&amp;data=02%7C01%7CARMATH%40listserv.uark.edu%7C5968e03f571f4879521f08d7f684d664%7C79c742c4e61c4fa5be89a3cb566a80d1%7C0%7C0%7C637248922702105840&amp;sdata=p1M4xftyntCopoUS93utZCMKX7pD1X6mWhGml1qThsE%3D&amp;reserved=0>.
If you are interested in exploring this exciting opportunity, we would love to hear from you!
To learn more about this job opportunity and apply today, click here:
Tom Simmons
District Mathematics Chair
El Dorado Public Schools