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Have a STEM Event? Let us spread the word!

If you know of any STEM-based programs or events to take place that you would like us to announce, we would be glad to review them and post them on our website event calendar!

In order to get started, submit an event on our event upload form at this link or email [email protected], and we will do the rest! We appreciate you contributing to STEM education in Arkansas!

NAESC K-12 Codify This! Computer Science Competition


Northcentral Arkansas Education Service Cooperative will be hosting a computer science competition for grades K-12.   This is the second installation of what was an extremely exciting coding extravaganza.  We are inviting student teams from all 16 of our member districts to compete in this fun, and challenging opportunity to show off their coding skills.  […]

Google Hash Code Competition


The Google Hash Code competition will be held on February 25th. Google Hash Code is a worldwide competition. The event is virtual this year. The Stuttgart High School CS program is hosting a virtual hub and they'd like to invite you to participate. The Stuttgart High School CS Group is open to all participants. The […]

2nd Annual Ivory Tillman Black History Speech Competition


The Jacksonville NAACP Education Committee is hosting the 2nd Annual Ivory Tillman Black History Speech Competition. This is a virtual event that will be Saturday, February 27, 2021 at 3:00 PM. This speech competition is open to all K - 12 scholars enrolled in a Pulaski County school. There are four grade level classifications/categories and […]

Virtual Science Olympics 2021 Registration Deadline

Join us ONLINE for the 2021 Science Olympics! Some events will be submitted virtually and others will be held synchronously on Thursday, April 22nd. In this year's Science Olympics, there will be five different events to choose from in biology, chemistry, engineering, and physics. Participants can choose any or all events in which to compete. […]


When:         Friday, March 5, 2021 (Schedule) Where:        Location TBA                     UA Little Rock Main Campus                      2801 S. University Ave.                     Little Rock, AR 72204   Registration Fee: A student entry fee of $20 for each student (not project). Please make checks payable to UA Little Rock […]

Biology Day

STEAM Center At Burnham Woods 5705 Gordon Lane, Fort Smith, AR, United States

Join us for a fun day on March 6th at the STEAM Center in Fort Smith as we partner with University of Arkansas – Fort Smith Professor, Dr. Jeff Shaver, and students to investigate a fictional family’s medical history using gel electrophoresis to identify the sickle cell disease.


Amazeum Fun Patch Night

Scott Family Amazeum 1009 Museum Wa, Bentonville, AR, United States

After the Amazeum closes to the public, Girls Scouts are taking over the museum for an exclusive STEAM event on Girl Scouts Birthday! Girl Scouts get to have even more fun than usual! Come explore the exhibits and find special activity booths with hands-on challenges that will help you earn a unique Amazeum fun patch.




The Junior Science and Humanities Symposia (JSHS) promote original research and experimentation in the STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) disciplines at the high school level and publicly recognize students for outstanding achievement in these fields. By connecting talented students, their teachers, and research professionals at affiliated symposia and by rewarding research excellence, JSHS aims […]

MMXXI Engineering Olympics

The Engineering Olympics is designed to introduce students to engineering through competitive team events and exercises. All participating schools receive all materials necessary to compete at no charge. There is a nominal fee (usually $5 per student) to participate. This year, Garver is the title sponsor of the Engineering Olympics. The 2020 Engineering Olympics: Junior Division (grades […]


Innovation Challenge Registration Deadline

The Arkansas Innovation Hub challenges you to innovate a new solution to a real-world problem! Every day we learn new skills and techniques and help solve problems for artists, makers, and entrepreneurs. Now it’s your turn to solve a real-world problem and make a difference! Feb. 15–Mar. 14 Teachers register students (form) Mar. 15–Apr. 30 Students/teams will work […]