UA Little Rock STEM APSI
July 12-16, 2021; July 26-30, 2021
Free to Arkansas public school teachers of AP and Pre-AP; $650 to others
University of Arkansas at Little Rock Advanced Placement Summer Institute (APSI) offers ONLINE STEM classes for AP and Pre-AP public school teachers at no cost to teacher, school, or district through a grant from the Arkansas Department of Education. July 12-16, 2021, APSI offers AP classes in Psychology, Computer Science A, and Calculus AB. July 26-30, 2021, APSI offers AP classes in Biology, Chemistry, Physics 1, Environmental Science, Calculus AB, and Statistics. All classes are 30 hours of ADE approved and College Board endorsed professional development. A certificate of the training is given at the completion of the course. More information and registration can be completed at
For more information, please contact Rebecca Rogers at (501)993-5831 or