We will host a free professional workshop, with breakout sessions, on April 24, 2020 to address STEM needs in our state. The event is open to local/state college students, college faculty, k-12 educators, and others who have an interest in minority educators and STEM education. We will have a finalized agenda of workshops in a few weeks.
You may register for the conference at www.uaptc.edu/teachinginstem2020 – or click on the link in the attached flyer.
There are several awareness goals for the event:
1. To increase the number of African American teachers entering the field of STEM.
2. To increase the knowledge base of educators, faculty and others in the field, to help address this need.
3. Encourage African American teachers in the field to stay in the classroom.
4. Bring attention to the need to retain and graduate African American STEM students.
5. Provide innovation methods to deliver STEM in the classroom.
6. Increase cultural competency in the classroom.
The keynote speaker for the luncheon will be Dr. Charlie Nelms, Chancellor Emeritus, North Carolina Central University, and alumnus of the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff.