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Shaping an Equity Vision: Reflection of Outcomes & Process

June 24, 2020 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

- Free

Presented by: Dr. Stacey Loyless and Dr. Shelly Albritton
June 24, 2020 from 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM CDT

In this session we examine the necessity of analyzing and being reflective about Process – what we do as adults. The triangulation of Vision-Process-Outcome is paramount in leading schools toward authentic equity. Visionshould inform Process and Process should influence Outcomes. Far too often when we look at our school organizations, we fail to recognize the organization’s Vision leading to uninformed Processes. The lack of consistency in the goals, philosophy, and priorities among school constituents and stakeholders can lead to Processes that results in lower levels of student achievement.  Further complicating the situation is the nearly exclusively focus on student Outcome data as a measure of school performance. Thus, the focus on Processconnects Vision to Outcome.

Two-hour session targeted for those who desire to have a positive leadership influence in their school and district, regardless of current position or title.

About the presenters:
Before joining the UCA Department of Leadership Studies, Dr. Stacey Loyless served over 30 years as an educator in Texas public schools; 22 of those years were in leadership positions. Prior to UCA, he acquired experience as a science teacher, coach, athletic director, assistant principal, principal, central office administrator, and university adjunct professor. In addition, Dr. Loyless has provided instructional and leadership consulting services to K-12 districts. Dr. Loyless received his Doctorate in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies from Tarleton State University in May 2014. Research interests include instructional design, student agency & engagement, educator efficacy, and equity minded leadership.

Dr. Shelly Albritton is a Professor in Leadership Studies in the College of Education at the University of Central Arkansas. She earned her Doctor of Philosophy in the Department of Educational Leadership and Research of the College of Psychology and Education at the University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS where she majored in Education Administration and Supervision. She has been serving leadership students for 17 years and is serving as program coordinator for the past eleven years. Before working in higher education, Dr. Albritton served in a public-school setting for eight years as a junior high school language arts teacher, a district-wide parent liaison leader, and a middle school administrator. Dr. Albritton’s scholarship focuses on leadership, distance learning technologies in education leadership preparation programs, school improvement, social justice, and educational equity.


June 24, 2020
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
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June 24, 2020
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Event Categories: