Science Fair across the Curriculum (no cost)
Dates: Monday ( 6/15/20), Tuesday (6/16/20) and Wednesday (6/17/20)
WebEx Video Conferences each day 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM
Requirements: Each registering teacher must have a google account so that the SAU STEM Center can assign each teacher a private google folder. Participation and submitted work will be evaluated by the SAU STEM Center.
How To Register: Use this google forms link
PD Credit (12 hrs): The SAU STEM Center is a certified PD provider for the state of Arkansas and will provide certificates for 12-hours of PD credit for teachers who participate and complete all assignments.
Monday June 15, 2020: The Project BOARD (9:30-10:30 AM WebEx Video Conference)
We will start with enhancing each teacher’s ability to help students complete and present five fundamental portions of their science fair projects: Abstract, Hypothesis statement, Data Tables, Graphs, and Results statements. We will also go over some of the SAU Science Fair rules and illustrate violations that disqualify projects from being judged.
Assignment: Teachers will receive an annotated teacher’s edition of a lab experiment in their google folders and will be expected to submit a single document of each of the five fundamental portions of a science fair project board by 2 PM that same day.
Tuesday June 16, 2020: The Project Notebook (9:30-10:30 AM WebEx Video Conference)
We will go over the correct utilization of a project notebook as a place to document experimental data, observations and back ground research in addition to providing deeper context of the items posted on the project board.
Assignment: Teachers will receive feedback on their project board submissions and may resubmit before the end of the day. Teachers will submit a handwritten example of what a student’s notebook should look like from their project Board assignment. Use of a scanner, phone/camera or CamScanner App will be required.
Wednesday June 17, 2020: Bundling Science Fair across the curriculum (9:30-10:30 AM WebEx)
We will begin the video conference by selecting a few (or all) of the teacher’s project board submissions and share them with the entire group. We will consider where we can help our students’ develop the grade-appropriate skill sets necessary to complete the five fundamental portions of the project board and keep up with a project notebook throughout the school year.
Assignment: Teachers will submit a description of how they plan to help students develop the skill sets during their classroom activities and evaluations. The teachers will provide examples of activities already in their curriculum modules where these targeted skills sets can be addresses and enhanced over time.