Tuesday, June 22, 9:00 – 11:30 am
Register here: https://arkansasee.org/
Fee: AEEA members – $10; Non-members – $20
Are you interested in understanding your audiences’ relationships with nature? Do you need to demonstrate that your programs increase learners’ connection to nature?
Join the Arkansas Environmental Education Association for a 2.5-hour virtual workshop diving into the Practitioner’s Guide to Assessing Connection to Nature, a new guidebook for helping you measure this elusive concept with young children, teenagers, or adults. This workshop will enable participants to become familiar with the Guide, explore the tools, and discuss which of the 11 assessment tools will be appropriate for their programs. The target audience is non-formal educators working with pre-K through senior citizens; however, all educators are welcome to attend.
For questions, contact Sophia Stephenson at 501.773.1107 or director@arkansasee.org.