“….Ensuring children have safe, healthy, and enriching learning experiences during the out-of-school time hours.”
AState Childhood Services Out-of-School Time Project and The Alliance for a Healthier Generation introduce their new collaborative effort for OST Providers.
WHAT: Out-of-School Time (OST) Physical Activity and Nutrition Professional Development 6 NEW Sessions Available ON DEMAND!
An Introduction and overview of the training sessions and the Alliance for A Healthier Generation Back to School Play Book for Covid!
WHEN: Thursday, August 27, 2020 from 2:00 pm to 2:30 pm on ZOOM
HOW: You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
Register in advance for this meeting:
meeting/register/tJcrf- GppjsoGtOcfRCvqkaYxAubH4nbaW8A A Series of 6 short Zoom and GoTo Webinar (virtual/on-line) trainings are now available to OST program staff in Arkansas. In cooperation with the Alliance for a Healthier Generation, AState Childhood Services has made these 6 training sessions to support increased knowledge for Arkansas OST program staff. These sessions meet the requirements of Physical Activity and Nutrition training for OST Programs participating in Better Beginning and are available in the AR Professional Development Registry. Join us for an introduction on how to sign into the Alliance for a Healthier Generation website Training Center and participate in some of the trainings and learn about the new Covid-19 Back to School Playbook and other pertinent resources. Also how to access and attain PDR credit for all 6 Physical Activity and Nutrition sessions. Hope you will join us!
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