2021 Summer Camp @ UCA:
Coding and Decoding Secret Messages
July 19-23, 2021
Camp Information:
Fee: $125 per participant
Time: 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Instructors: Dr. James Fetterly, Dr. Ramesh Garimella
Location: Math and Science Bldg.
Eligibility: Students must be in 9th, 10th, or 11th grade during 2021-2022 academic year.
Deadline: June 30, 2021
Link to Registration Application: https://forms.gle/FsJJmpQuEXEa5H4z7
Others: While some refreshments will be provided, participants should bring their own lunch. Students will have computers available for computations. A map of the university will be included in the registration packet to show the drop-off and pick-up points for students. UCA COVID guidelines will be enforced to ensure the safety and health of participants.
Coding and decoding, also known as Cryptography, is the art of secret communication. It involves transforming a plain message into a jumbled text so that no one other than the intended receiver will be able to decipher and comprehend the message. Due to rapid usage of modern communication technologies, security has become a serious concern in terms of tampering with vital messages that are being transmitted over the Internet or hand-held devices. A great deal of modern cryptography depends upon basic number theory, clever manipulations of large integers, and use of software such as Excel. In this program, students will be introduced to the essentials of number theory and Excel for encryption. Students will gain hands-on experience in encrypting and decrypting messages.
For more information, please contact the UCA Department of Mathematics Chair, Dr. Ramesh Garimella at rameshg@uca.edu or call 501-450-3147.