BEST Robotics is during the Fall, and is the best (no pun intended) if you basically have no (or little) money. It is free for the competition and for the robotics kit that you will use for that year. In the past there have been 3 BEST Robotics Hubs to choose from. This year I only see 1. It is in Little Rock.
You will have some travel, basically there is a KickOff Day, a Practice Day, and Game Day. Normally you take a small group to the KickOff Day (they will build excitement and carry it back to school, along with the robot kit – why should you do all the lifting?).
You might take a few more to the Practice Day, but it is not necessary to take everyone.
Then on Game Day you bring everyone.
Depending on how far you have to travel, some school elect to get hotel rooms and stay overnight prior to Game Day. This is not a requirement, but saves you, and your kids from having to get up so early.
I have the Dates for the LR BEST events listed below. You should put them on your calendar if you think you are interested.
Sept 21 – Kickoff
Oct 19 – Practice Day
Nov 2 – Game Day
For more information on BEST Robotics you can visit:
Again, BEST is free. There is no cost to participate, other than that associated with travel. The Hub will provide the robotics kit which will consist of consumable materials (plywood, PVC pipe, metal, wood, etc) and the electronics (brain, sensors, motors, servos, etc). Some schools also will spend money on lumber, and misc supplies to build a portion of the game field that the robots will be competing on. This allows them to practice in a simulated game at their school, but this is not required.
Here are the contacts:
Below is the Registration Link:
You can email Ashley Henry from UALR if you have questions. Her mail address is: <>