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Have a STEM Event? Let us spread the word!

If you know of any STEM-based programs or events to take place that you would like us to announce, we would be glad to review them and post them on our website event calendar!

In order to get started, submit an event on our event upload form at this link or email, and we will do the rest! We appreciate you contributing to STEM education in Arkansas!

Virtual Science Olympics 2021 Event

Join us ONLINE for the 2021 Science Olympics! Some events will be submitted virtually and others will be held synchronously on Thursday, April 22nd. In this year's Science Olympics, there will be five different events to choose from in biology, chemistry, engineering, and physics. Participants can choose any or all events in which to compete. […]

AOSN Virtual STEM Academy: Spring 2021 STEM Booster-Pack

Consider the potential! After a year marked by disruption, when many youth and families were isolated with only limited resources for STEM, there is a need to reengage both with nature, and with STEM opportunities.  In this STEM Academy you will learn and do exciting, nature-based STEM activities with the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, practice […]

AR K-12 IM Institute PD Registration Deadline

Arch Ford Cooperative is partnering with Wilbur Mills Educational Service Cooperatives to host a FREE 3 day Virtual Illustrative Mathematics (IM) Institute. In summer of 2021, IM will be releasing the full grades K-5 curriculum to support the current 6-8, Algebra, Geometry, and Algebra 2. This training is for any teacher interested in wanting to […]


2021 Teaching In STEM Workshop

Registration is now open for the 2021 Teaching In STEM Workshop.  The University of Arkansas Pulaski Technical College will host a free professional development workshop, with breakout sessions, on April 23, 2021 to address STEM needs in our state and nation.  The event is open to local/state college students, college faculty, k-12 educators, and others […]

Spring Virtual Networking Mixer | AEEA

Arkansas Environmental Education Association invites you to a Spring Virtual Networking Mixer Connect with environmental educators and supporters from around the state at AEEA’s spring virtual networking mixer. Tuesday, April 27, 4:00 - 5:00 pm   AEEA's Spring Networking Mixer will be a virtual event, allowing us to meet with people from all over our […]

AOSN Virtual Best Practices Academy: Preparing for a Healthy Spring

Virtual Best Practices Academy: Preparing for a Healthy Spring: Planning Health, Equity and Inclusion into Spring Programming When: Thursday, April 29th 9:00am to 2:00pm In this Virtual Best Practices Academy you will hear from experts in the fields of Health and Wellness.  The Alliance for a Healthier Generation will help you plan a health-minded re-entry for youth that […]

Innovation in Computer Science School Grant Program Proposal Deadline

As a reminder, the Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) Office of Computer Science announced in December the continuation of the Computer Science Innovation Grant opportunity for Arkansas public K-12 schools. This opportunity includes up to $250,000.00 in total reimbursement funding that has been allocated for the purchase of curriculum, software licenses, non-fundamental equipment, professional development, […]

Art in the Woods

STEAM Center At Burnham Woods 5705 Gordon Lane, Fort Smith, AR, United States

Explore your creative side while experiencing nature at Burnham Woods in Fort Smith on May 1st. Come experience creating different forms of art while observing, using nature and completing activities from the Outdoor Art badge.


Coolest Projects Online Project Registration Deadline

Coolest Projects online is a celebration of creativity and innovation where young people can showcase what they’ve made with technology. It is an opportunity to share their creations with a global audience and is free to enter. Coolest Projects is an initiative run by the Raspberry Pi Foundation, and we welcome projects of all levels and stages. The project […]