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Have a STEM Event? Let us spread the word!

If you know of any STEM-based programs or events to take place that you would like us to announce, we would be glad to review them and post them on our website event calendar!

In order to get started, submit an event on our event upload form at this link or email, and we will do the rest! We appreciate you contributing to STEM education in Arkansas!

PD Opportunity – Learning Blade for Arkansas


FREE TRAINING OFFERED FOR ARKANSAS EDUCATORS Join a professional development session of your choice, sponsored by APSRC, to hear more about how Learning Blade's online, interdisciplinary lessons and offline resources have been utilized in Arkansas to enhance STEM and CS career awareness. Learning Blade is great for CS, STEM, Career Prep, Keycode, and other CTE classes. The lessons […]

PD Opportunity – Learning Blade for Arkansas


FREE TRAINING OFFERED FOR ARKANSAS EDUCATORS Join a professional development session of your choice, sponsored by APSRC, to hear more about how Learning Blade's online, interdisciplinary lessons and offline resources have been utilized in Arkansas to enhance STEM and CS career awareness. Learning Blade is great for CS, STEM, Career Prep, Keycode, and other CTE classes. The lessons […]

PD Opportunity – Learning Blade for Arkansas


FREE TRAINING OFFERED FOR ARKANSAS EDUCATORS Join a professional development session of your choice, sponsored by APSRC, to hear more about how Learning Blade's online, interdisciplinary lessons and offline resources have been utilized in Arkansas to enhance STEM and CS career awareness. Learning Blade is great for CS, STEM, Career Prep, Keycode, and other CTE classes. The lessons […]

PD Opportunity – Learning Blade for Arkansas


FREE TRAINING OFFERED FOR ARKANSAS EDUCATORS Join a professional development session of your choice, sponsored by APSRC, to hear more about how Learning Blade's online, interdisciplinary lessons and offline resources have been utilized in Arkansas to enhance STEM and CS career awareness. Learning Blade is great for CS, STEM, Career Prep, Keycode, and other CTE classes. The lessons […]

Join the 10,000 Teachers Army


In association with Climate Week NYC, Chuck Nice from StarTalk and PocketLab are hosting an all-star event of scientists, celebrities, and politicians with the sole purpose of arming teachers (or anyone) with the tools to discuss and educate on the topic of climate change.       Who is 10,000 Teachers?   You are. You're […]

AR AIMS AP Math Two-Day Workshop


The Arkansas Advanced Initiative for Math and Science would like to invite you to join us for our virtual fall two-day workshop in AP Calculus and AP Statistics. This workshop will be held via zoom October 5th and 6th from 8:30am until 3:30pm. We are very excited to have secured two of the best content developers and presenters […]

Amoeba Sisters!


Exciting news, y'all! Registration is open for our VIRTUAL fall conference, featuring the Amoeba Sisters! Sessions are Thursday night, October 8 from 4-7 p.m. for our elementary educators, and Saturday, October 10 from 9 a.m-12 p.m. for our secondary educators For just $30, you can get 3 hours of professional development hours! Want to attend […]

Arkansas Science Olympiad Coaches/Teachers Workshop

University of Arkansas at Little Rock (UALR) 2801 South University Avenue, Little Rock, AR, United States

This is a 5 hour professional development for teachers interested in Science Olympiad. This takes place in Mid-October 2020. The October 14, 2020 date is just a placeholder for now. The link is to 2019's workshop.

Girls of Promise Teacher Informational Webinar


Educators can learn how to get their students involved in our Girls of Promise programs & earn professional development by attending our webinar next week! The link to register is here:

Teaching Offline & Online STEM with Learning Blade


Learn how to utilize Learning Blade's online, interdisciplinary STEM lessons and offline resources to enhance your STEM blended learning instruction the 2nd half of the year.