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Have a STEM Event? Let us spread the word!
If you know of any STEM-based programs or events to take place that you would like us to announce, we would be glad to review them and post them on our website event calendar!
In order to get started, submit an event on our event upload form at this link or email, and we will do the rest! We appreciate you contributing to STEM education in Arkansas!
Professional Development
Bryant Junior High School 1105 Woodland Dr, Bryant, AR, United States2020-DESE-Quantitative Literacy
VirtualMonday 7.20.2020 8:15am-3:30pm This training explores the Quantitative Literacy (QL) content standards and course overview. QL addresses the mathematics of personal and business finance, modeling, statistics and probability, and numerical reasoning. Students will analyze real world situations and represent their reasoning and conclusions numerically, graphically, symbolically, and verbally. Activities and resources will be shared with […]
Arkansas Environmental Education Association’s Environmental Education Expo
SAVE THE DATE: Arkansas Environmental Education Association's Environmental Education Expo will be held July 8-9, 2020 at DeGray Lake Resort State Park. The EE Expo is a professional development event consisting of hands-on workshops, field trips, presentations, speakers, and networking opportunities for classroom teachers, students, environmental professionals, state and federal agency personnel, and conservation organization staff […]
Makerspaces 101
VirtualMakerspaces are growing in popularity among schools, museums, and libraries. But, are you asking yourself ‘what is making and tinkering’ or ‘how do I integrate making and tinkering into what I'm already doing’? Then this is the session for you! As the leading resource for making and tinkering in NWA, the Scott Family Amazeum, along […]
Creative COVID Classrooms: Literacy Learning in a New Hybrid Environment
Presented by: Dr. Amy Thompson, Mrs. Sheri Hight, and Dr. Susan Perry July 22, 2020 from 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM CDT Zoom: In light of the ongoing pandemic, schools and teachers need to be prepared for hybrid learning in the fall. Our struggling learners will need our help now more than ever. RTI needs […]
Building an Online Space for K-12 Learners
Presented by: Dr. Erin Shaw and Ms. Ashley Cooksey July 22, 2020 from 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM CDT Zoom:–iyzWGcYZt-Un11 This session will focus on best practices for building instructor presence and creating a space for student interaction in online classrooms. Building an online space for K-12 learners requires the addition of spaces for students […]
Cultivating Opportunities for Equity in the Digital Age
Presented by: Dr. Michael Mills, Dr. Donna Wake, and Mrs. Jessica Herring Watson July 29, 2020 from 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM CDT Zoom: Participants will learn and discuss the inequity present in our schools based on race and income level, with a specific focus on how digital learning has bridged opportunity gaps in one […]
2020-DESE-SREB Transitional Math Ready
VirtualMonday & Tuesday 8.3.2020 & 8.4.2020 8:15am-3:30pm For schools to offer SREB Transitional Math Ready, teachers must attend professional development for the course. ADE DESE will offer this required training virtually on August 3-4, 2020. All participants will need a computer with a stable internet connection and audio/video capabilities. There is no cost for registration. […]
Out-of-School Time (OST) Physical Activity and Nutrition Professional Development
Virtual"....Ensuring children have safe, healthy, and enriching learning experiences during the out-of-school time hours." AState Childhood Services Out-of-School Time Project and The Alliance for a Healthier Generation introduce their new collaborative effort for OST Providers. WHAT: Out-of-School Time (OST) Physical Activity and Nutrition Professional Development 6 NEW Sessions Available ON DEMAND! An Introduction and overview […]