Thursday/Friday, June 28-29: Grasping Phenomenal Science (GPS) for Grades 9-12 (Physical Science and Chemistry): Navigating from Standards to Instruction
Fee $30; 12 hours PD; 8:30-3:30pm
To register, access ESCWorks<https://www.escweb.
Come experience a new vision for the high school science experience! During this two-day opportunity, educators will engage in phenomenon-based investigations aligned to the new Physical Science – Integrated and Chemistry – Integrated course. Student-focused learning through the application of science, math and literacy skills will be highlighted. Labs and materials are new, so previous participants are encouraged to attend. *An optional 3rd day is available for preAP certification (June 27, separate registration, same location). Two follow-up PD days will be offered along with opportunities for classroom-level support. Connections to TESS: 1a, 1d, 1e, 3a-e, 4a, 4e