Title: Everyday Science Phenomena
Date: June 7, 2018
Time: 8:30-3:30 (lunch on your own)
Grade Levels: 2-8
Location: Behind the Jane Ross House, #24 on map, The STEM Center at HSU/Reddie MakerSpace<http://www.hsu.edu/
To Register, click on the following link: ESC Event # 349360<https://www.escweb.net/
Is your classroom an “Oooooooo” “Aahhhhhhhh” classroom? Let us show you how to “wow” your classroom experiences based on natural phenomena and discrepant events that build on science concepts from grades 2-8. All activities are aligned with NGSS and will serve as awesome phenomena to get your students engaged in asking questions and making sense using science. Lots of supplies will be provided for you to use in your classroom. Let the fun and learning begin!
Cost is $350