Please make plans to join PLTW on March 2, 2021 at 3:00pm (Zoom meeting) to take a deep look at how to use PLTW Launch in Arkansas to provide full coverage of elementary NGSS.
Paul Schiele, PLTW PreK-8 Solutions Engineer and former Launch Master Teacher, will come to discuss/demonstrate how Launch may be used to meet NGSS. They will take a deep look at one of the new Launch modules so people may see firsthand how the activities, project and problem provide full coverage of their science standards in an engaging way that allows students to experience science instead of just learning about science.
Whether people are using PLTW Launch as a STEM program or for their science time, this meeting will help them see how to bolster your students’ science skills and add value to their experience. Please feel free to invite others from your district to join us!